Feel Good Filling

Are you new to Coconut Oil/Butter? In one of my more recent experiments to find a way to ‘tart’ up a very simple gluten free vanilla biscuit I made a chocolate rough frosting. The process is so simple. Combine melted coconut oil, cocoa or cacao powder, rice malt syrup and shredded coconut and mix until you have a thick paste. This mixture will ‘set’ once the coconut oil is allowed to cool. On these warmer days it is best kept in the refridgerator. A fun feel good filling for those of you who don’t want to use dairy or white sugar and who want the added health benefits of coconut oil. Enjoy!

Gluten Free Carrot and Pineapple Cake

So here is another gluten free cake. I have a gorgeous carrot and pineapple cake recipe that I have been making for a very long time. I love it, but it uses  a lot of white sugar. This new gluten free version uses, carrots, tinned pineapple in natural juice, walnuts, coconut flour, gluten free SR flour, eggs, rice malt syrup and olive oil. I made it all in the food processor and then blitzed the “icing”; a combination of coconut oil, shredded coconut, rice malt syrup and vanilla extract. Don’t expect the “icing” to be smooth and runny, it is chunky and not unlike making the topping for a lumberjack cake. I find the coconut oil allows it to combine well and set a little. And as for the extra nuts – I like more colour and crunch, so it has extra topping! You could easily omit this if you are a nut free family.
I am not going to give you the exact recipe, because it wasn’t really exact in any sense of the word. The cake is healthy, gluten free, super moist and dense. I am enjoying the experience of playing with coconut flour – are you?