Brave New Wardrobe

 Marie Kondo’s  The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up  challenged me to think differently about our stuff. I loved the idea of being restrained and more minimalist with my things and in particular with my clothes. Keep only those items that bring you joy. Now that is quite a difficult thing to apply to clothes – does this black long sleeve top bring me joy? Yes, I know. Joy may not be the right word here. Nonetheless the process does get you thinking does it fit well, does the fabric and style suit me, is it in the right colourway. It is also a timely reminder that any item that is home to a hole or stain or blemish of any size must simply go.

Jennifer L. Scott’s Lessons from Madame Chic outlines a way of organising your clothes into a 10 item wardrobe, with extras items allowed. Scott argues that defining your wardrobe with ten key pieces each season ensures you dress and present well. Yes, you may feel that your clothes are in high rotation but you will never wonder what should you wear because the choices will be simple. Take a peek at her TED talk.

So yes, I love Scott and Kondo’s ideas, but have I implemented them. I worked some Kondo magic on my wardrobe a year ago but much of the hard work has been undone. I am yet to adopt Scott’s approach to Chic, but I confess that I have a well established basic, neutral wardrobe. Recently I have been ruthless with the ‘some day clothes’ that I have been holding on to. Some day I will, some day they will fit, some day I might have an occasion….be gone some day clothes. I confess that process was helpful and a little therapeutic.

Australian Personal Brand Image Consultant Colette Werden introduced me to the ” The Ratio System™ –  a new simple way of dressing that helps achieve a longer, leaner silhouette, by creating “one third (torso), two third (leg)” proportion sizes on a woman’s body.”

 According to Werden a large Australian survey they conducted revealed that 53.7% of women want to camouflage their stomach the most, and 21.7% want to camouflage their thighs. The Ratio System™ does this effectively by removing the focus from these areas and instantly creating a flatter looking stomach, a longer, leaner leg line and perception of increased height.

I have also wanted more height and as I get wiser and longer in my years I know that dressing sensibly and striving for elegance and comfort is always best. So where does this leave me. Currently with an overstuffed wardrobe. I may need your help, a friend to accompany me on that journey of sorting and assessing, giving me the courage to let go of clothing that no longer works. Werden suggests there is a lot of negative energy/vibe/memory woven into our clothes. We keep things sometimes for the wrong reason and it is time we let go.

Can clothes make a person, transform them? It sounds so superficial but the bottom line is that they can give us the confidence to lead the life we want to lead, to lean in at work and build our career, to develop friendships and take some risks. No mother trapped at home with little children could say she felt good wearing track pants and old over sized T-shirts all day. No working woman could say she felt good about wearing an ill fitting, old style black polyester suit all day. And yet we do these things, I do and you do too. Let this new year be a brave new world, to simplicity, style and chic. Xx