Taking your Tween, Teen shopping

Shopping with your kids. How do you go? I am not talking doing the grocery run with tired and grumpy per-schooler. I  mean serious clothes shopping for the tween, teen and young adult.
Here is what I have learned.


There is always a lot of waiting. Whilst the mission of our shopping expedition may have been outlined before our departure it always seems to be difficult to stay on course. Looking for a new pair of jeans can evolve to browsing jewellery, boots and a new jumper. Be prepared to muster much patience. See image above-  I got bored and started taking selfies for Instagram.


At times it is seriously important to offer advice about style, cut and fit, even if the comments are not welcome. This is after all the role of the mother to guard against your child (daughter?) showing too much here or there and to be realistic about what style suits them not some celebrity. But there are other occasions when positive remarks are called for – there is nothing more frustrating than not fitting into an outfit because some body part is too big or too small. So encouragement and perseverance is required.


The adventure to shop for jeans can quickly turn into shopping for several pairs of jeans. So be prepared to negotiate price, payment ( are you paying or am I?) and all the practicalities of making a purchase.


And this outing with your older child can be a great teaching experience – how does EFTPOS work, what is lay-by, budgeting, saving and so one. You can also teach about quality over quantity, buying clothes for seasons and being able to flexible with your expectations of what you had in mind.


Very often there is a child or two who actually hate shopping. So the ‘buy in bulk’, try on outfits at home and then do the returns later have proven to be great options. This can also translate into online shopping. We don’t have access to the full range of shops for special items – think undergarments, formal dresses, black tie and so on. So shopping together at the computer can be rewarding. Just take care to read all the terms and conditions about returns and postage.

Shopping – I am not good at this, don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind shopping. But as an OP Shop Queen from years gone by I find it actually harder to make a purchase when I have choice of style and size. I have been conditioned to look for the treasure and the absolute bargain in the local thrift shop. And you can find great things…..it just takes time, patience and a whole of negotiating of expectations. Teaching your kids to op shop, now that is another blog post in the making.