Alternative uses for Coffee Whitener that will Surprise you….

I found a recipe that called for an ingredient that is foreign to our panty – coffee whitener. You would think that it must be a milk product that mimics the whitening effect on your coffee. And after a little research that is exactly what I have found. Coffee Whitener is a strange concoction of ingredients that may include, depending on the brand corn syrup solids,vegetable oil (including partially hydrogenated soybean and/or cottonseed oil), sodium caseinate, dipotassium phosphate, mono- and diglycerides, sodium aluminosilicate, artificial flavour and annatto colour. With a list like that I am thinking it is not a ‘natural’ product.

But more than being wary of a ‘food’ that is artificial and less than what mother nature intended I was alarmed at some of the other properties of Coffee Whitener. According to this website your average coffee whitener can be used in film making. As with many other powders, non-dairy creamer is susceptible to dust explosion and this product has been used by amateur film makers to create Pyrotechnic magic and snow effects.  It is also a cleaner – it whitens clothes when made into a paste, it can de-foam fish tanks and clean whiteboards.

So before you take the coffee mate, coffee whitener or non-dairy creamer sachet you see in the cafe or canteen, think again. I know you would have anyway but I thought it might be fun to offer a little expose on the product. Real milk is the real way to whiten your coffee.