Pre Christmas Burnout

I think I might be at risk of pre Christmas burnout. Here in the Southern Hemisphere we try and prepare for Christmas while simultaneously attempting to do all the end of year, final hurrah for every conceivable group and association one finds membership in. Yes…it is school class break ups, playgroup, final ballet performances, graduations, concerts, presentations, work parties, ‘casual” drinks with friends. There is some urgency too that one must make contact with long lost friends, bake and make, wrap and work out the credit card. All the while I feel numb….so, so tired. Do you do this too?

I had a major baking day yesterday. The smell of chocolate and cinnamon filled the house all day. I love doing it…..but I am rather time poor. These cookies from Donna Hay were a point of inspiration.

Donna Hay’s Latest Magazine….cookie goodness

I found this post by Rachel Jankovic, Of Kids and Christmas quiet encouraging. Maybe it will help you out of the busyness too….