Red Lips

I am loving pinterest! So many fabulous images, ideas and inspiration. This photograph from Elle magazine reminds me of my love for lipstick. I think I officially started wearing lipstick at University whilst living at college. Three times a week we had to robe up in an academic gown and wear more formal attire. For many of the girls, we got away with our academic gown and “adventure lips”in bright red. I think mine was a Revlon Scarlet Berry or some such hue. But there is an art to wearing red lips. As a busy Mumma of five if I try and wear a shade of red all of my children ask me where am I going, what am I doing, why am I wearing red? It is a strong, vibrant, “look at me” colour is it not? But it is striking and can be oh so elegant. I think she looks elegant. My everyday grab and go lipstick comes from a leading German department store: No 905. I am ‘done’ when I have my lipstick on.
 Do you have a favourite lipstick colour?