Social Media Anxiety Disorder

The Scream, Edvard Munch
Social Media Anxiety Disorder. Apparently, 42 % of women surveyed admitted that Pinterest made them feel anxious. 

‘Pinterest culture can generate feelings of inadequacy by creating a pressure to throw elaborate birthday parties, attempt intimidating DIYs and bake picture-perfect cupcakes. Comparing the less pristine reality of motherhood to the polished sheen of online images may cause moms to worry about falling short if their culinary or crafting skills don’t seem to measure up.’

The ease by which we log onto Facebook and Instagram and update little images of our life has to be questioned. A ‘good’ life, family bliss and kid harmony is what you see on most social media sites. We rarely allow our ‘community’ or network to see us when we are exhausted, when we have failed as a parent, spouse or friend. There are no failed cupcakes pics on Pinterest or the family trip to the snow that was a shambles. The screaming and yelling as we push kids out the door to school, the constant negotiations over time out, house rules and homework are not our usual status updates.

SMAD seems to be yet another reason to reflect on our own online habits, our own online version of our lives and cast all our anxieties on the one who cares.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7